Monthly Archives: April 2009

On Urban Fantasy…

If anyone actually knows me IRL, I’m a definite bookaholic.  I love reading.  Always have.  From the first time I read “Seven Chinese Brothers” in my Granny’s biiig storybook when I was six or seven, to the horror and sci-fi … Continue reading

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Automotive Harassment Task Force

I loved George Carlin. The old Late-80’s to Mid-90’s Carlin. He had this skit where he’s talking about the “Automotive Harassment Squad”. “Here’s a woman pulling out of a bush”, and such. Hilarious stuff…until you actually meet them. I swear, … Continue reading

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Boss, or replacement?

I hate this part. As most of you know by now, the bank I work for has been bought. Now, if I was a teller or in customer service, I wouldn’t be worried. But I’m not. I’m in IT. I’m … Continue reading

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